Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Fantom Presents...



So if you didn't happen to make it out to your Local Comic Book Store this past Wednesday or haven't read anything related to comics all week, then you didn't see the unbelievable amount of comics that came out on 6/25/08. But more remarkable than the cornucopia of books was who was putting them out. Marvel put out almost double the amount of books than DC, a plot many felt was Marvel's chance to "bury" the competition. Me, I look at this historic week as a way for readers and retailers to bask in the fun of all the books that came out. There were just so many different types of books to enjoy, and don't even get me started on all the great TP's that came out. So gathered below are my Top 10 Favorite things from 6/25/08.

10. So Far, 90% Of The Secret Invasion Tie-Ins Have Been Good- Seriously, I have not read one tie-in for this event that has not positively enhanced the Secret Invasion story for me, and with a Thor Secret Invasion tie-in on the horizon things are only getting better.

9. Final Crisis #2 Brought The Event From "Confusing" to "Intriguing"- Albeit still a tad bit confusing, Final Crisis isn't unsubtle. You know whats happening and this issue was full of big things happening. I'm actually very anxious to read the next issue.

8. Matt Fraction's Thor One Shots Are The Green Lantern: Secret Origin Stories For Thor- Its about time someone someone capable took Thor's origins and put some modern story telling in it. Complain what you will about retcon, but these tales work, and customers seem to really be enjoying them. Like the aforementioned Green Lantern: Secret Origin, Thor: Reign of Blood and the previous Thor: Ages of Thunder, help reign in the character to its modern day incarnation without seeming dull.

7. Geoff Johns' Green Lantern Continues To Be Amazing- Nuff' Said.

6. Conan: The Cimmerian Is The Best $1 Comic In Last 20 Years- I read this 4 times and will most likely go back for a 5th and 6th time. I was a bit puzzled where this story would go after the first 50 issue run, but after covering Conan's ragamuffin years, this new creative team looks to be hellbent on the more late-epic Conan years.

5. Mythos: Captain America Reminds You Why You Have Always Loved Steve Rogers- This was beautiful. Jenkins' writing is admirable, but you really stay for the lush Paolo Rivera art. Tear to my eye guys. Tear to my eye.

4. Captain America #39 Reminds You Why You Like And Will Continue To Like Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, & Sharon Carter- This story continues to rumble on, with a little bit of help from fill in artist Rob De La Torre. What it really accomplishes is the proof that these three are here to stay for good.

3. While In Other Stories, Characters Maintained The Status Quo, The Immortal Iron Fists Life Changed Forever- Danny Rands life took a huge change in issue #16 of The Immortal Iron Fist: he will eventually no longer be a billionaire-kung fu expert. Rand Corporation became the worlds biggest Not-For Profit organization, and while Danny isn't teaching Karate to kids or helping find the 8th mysterious Capital City Of Heaven, he put the Heroes for Hire back together in their old building.

2. James Robinson On Superman- Superman. Hal Jordan. Frisbee in space with Krypto. Awesome. Where this Atlas thing is going, I have no idea, but I will happily read and find out.

1. I Spent All Weekend Slowly Enjoying My Comics- I can't recall having a weekend like this in a long time. All the employees were in the store, doing what they do best, and I got to be at home. Reading comics with my girlfriend at my side.

(Coming Soon In Hulk #5)

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