- People love All-Star Superman. I mean really, can you blame them. Grant Morrison has taken everything they like about Superman and put it into 11 of the most entertaining comics they [I] have ever read. In All-Star Superman #11 we get Black Metal Luthor, which for me is great because if there is one thing I enjoy most in life, it is the soulful shrieking on an angst ridden Scandinavian. Allow me to site an example:
Geez, I don't know. On the "Grimness Scale" where does that one rank Abbath?

- On the other end of the spectrum we had Marvel 1985 #1, which to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure how it would do. It has the "Millar" name tagged onto it, so I guess that adds some "cool" points, and as much as I love Tommy Lee Edwards art, I don't think a lot of our clientel go's for it. Its just, I don't know, unconventional in style and well, change scares people I 'spose. But it did pretty well sales wise, and also got a really good review over at IGN Comics. But really, how can a comic that features "the Dude" as the main characters father not do well? Here take a look:
It also features a great rendering of the Red Skull peering out from the shadows.
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