If you couldn't already tell, I really love Captain America, and issue #38 was no exception. Now I understand that this issue is old news comic land. The reviews have come and gone, and we now all hold our collective breaths until the next one, but I'm really surprised that there hasn't been a little bit more of an uproar about what took place in this issue. Sure we got answers about this "fake" Captain America, and yes, there was indeed a fight that took place out in broad daylight. And hell, this Bucky thing is even working after this issue, but what I'm referring to is this:

Oh, can't see that to well. Let me zoom in a bit.
Arnim Zola-bot just called The Falcon "A Black Skinned Meddler". That's pretty saucy for these days. But then again this book is mired with Nazis and fascists, so what can you expect. But I will admit...

It almost entered Scooby-Doo territory.
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