Pretty normal, people do it all the time right. I mean, why make the trip if we don't have the goods?
About 30 minutes later Phil came through the door. I recognized him instantly. He's been around before. About my height, looks a little heavier than me, mid length dark hair, with a goatee and a lip piercing. Has a few tats as well.
In fact he looks just like this...

So he makes his way over to the "New Graphic Novel" shelf and picks up a few books. Apparently he's a big fan of the old Valiant Comics brand. You remember Valiant. X-O Manowar? Archer Armstrong? Classic 90's stuff. Also picked up some Avengers and Captain America stuff.
We talk comics and about whats good, and I hand him the three Y:The Last Man's I've been holding for him.
I go into a story about my brother and how I just sent him comics to keep him entertained while he is stationed in Iraq. Phil says, "I'm going to Iraq tonight."
Assuming he's also a soldier (because really, with all the tattoos what else could he be?) I immediately extend him the offer to send him comics while he's over there. You know, combine the load when I ship stuff to my brother.
He says he will be coming back soon, but thanks me for the offer. I ask him why he's going there if he's not in the military.
"I'm a wrestler," he responds. "We're doing some shows for the troops there."
Really? A wrestler?!
"Who for," I ask. I used to love wrestling and I still check it out every now and then. Suddenly it begins to click.
He responds, "The WWE."And by the time he finishes he has his books, and is out the door with a "Thanks!"
My minds on fire! Who was that guy. I've met "Phil" before. But I never put it all together.
Phil is professional WWE wrestler CM Punk.

Cool story. Did you ever find out what he was going to Iraq for? Is he putting on a show for the troops?
Oh yeah, that's kind of important for the story. Yes, they did a show for the troops. I'll make sure to update on that. HI ADRIAN!
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